Trustee Treasurer Role

Role​ Description

​We are looking for a Treasurer to join our Board of Trustees to maintain effective governance of the affairs of Neurodiversity in Business (NiB). ​

NiB’s mission is to raise awareness and acceptance of neurodivergent people in the workplace, to educate employers and demonstrate the benefits of employing neurodivergent talent, sharing good practice on recruitment, retention and empowerment of neurodivergent people, working collaboratively with organisations to improve employment conditions for neurodivergent people.​

Your role as Treasurer Trustee will be to ensure robust financial processes, procedures and practices to ensure the financial viability of NiB, working with your fellow Trustees. You will be responsible for assuring all financial records, delegations and decisions are compliant with legislative requirements, providing financial expertise to the Board, to ensure NiB delivers its financial duties and responsibilities. ​

The role of a Treasurer Trustee will provide you with the opportunity to have a governing role in NiB’s management, working closely with the Trustee Board,​

We are seeking applications from people with financial skills, knowledge and abilities (e.g., ACA, ACCA, or CMA qualifications). Ideally you will have experience as a Treasurer and/or working on a Board of Trustees, but this is not essential. If you have experience working in the charity sector, proven financial expertise, and an understanding of the Treasurer Trustee role we would like to hear from you. ​

Responsibilities will include:​

  • Ensure the Board receives appropriate budgetary and financial information on charity activities ​
  • Ensure Annual Accounts are prepared and disclosed in the form required by relevant statutory and legislative bodies, and presented at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) ​
  • Ensure that NiB is carrying out the purposes for which it is set up, and no other purpose​
  • Hold NiB accountable for decision making, ensuring that the Board’s scheme for delegation and risk management is regularly reviewed and continually improved ​
  • Liaising with the finance lead, and the charity’s independent examiner or auditor as needed, ensuring that NiB has robust and effectives financial controls in place, with regular reviews​
  • Attend monthly remote Trustee meetings, with additional time required to liaise with the CEO, Finance and Governance teams as required ​
  • Safeguard the good name and values of the charity ​
  • Be proactive in keeping informed about NiB activities, including wider issues which may affect its mission, purpose and work​
  • Actively contribute to the Board of Trustees, providing strategic direction, support setting overall strategy and policy, including targets and performance evaluation, to ensure NiB has the resources (and financial visibility) to deliver the strategy​
  • Alongside the other trustees, the Treasurer Trustee will ensure that NiB is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit, using any specific skills, experience or knowledge to help the Board of Trustees reach sound short-term and long-term decisions  ​
  • Ensuring effective and efficient administration of the charity, with particular focus on areas of finance and governance

Please note that NiB does not charge members a fee, so all trustee roles are voluntary and unpaid. Reasonable expenses will be re-imbursed in accordance with our Expenses Policy. ​

NiB works remotely. The successful candidate will be expected to attend a minimum of 10 Trustee Board meetings per annum, in addition to the AGM. Time will be involved in scrutinising Board papers, leading financial discussions, and providing advice and guidance as requested by the Board to successfully deliver the role of Treasurer Trustee.  ​

Trusteeship can be extremely rewarding for many reasons. Meeting new people, having new experiences, and learning about NiB will allow the successful candidate to make a difference through our charitable cause. Trustees have independent control over and legal responsibility for NiB’s management and administration so please contact us if you are interested in creating a world where neurodivergent people can form an invaluable part of successful work cultures. ​

Please send your CV and cover letter to by 14th June 2024. ​